Ork Weirdboy



I have been really busy, but you wouldn’t know it from my blog so I apologise.

I have been painting lots of Orks for the Age of Armies campaign on the 40K Global site:


Now I can’t show you these Orks till I do my big reveal on the 40K Global site first, however I can show you this Ork Weirdboy I painted.

I picked this chap up on eBay a few years ago,  and he was heavily converted as you can see, normally they have Grots hanging all over them.

It was easy for me to paint him while I was doing the big units of Boyz, one extra thing I did was to paint him with an exposed pink brain! This made the model even more brightly coloured, maybe too bright?

The skin cam out a little mottled too which was disappointing, I gave him three coats instead of my normal two to try and make him a little darker.

In the end he is finished, and most importantly I  can cross him off the list.