Marauder Warlord


After my mate James dumped those models on me last week I had a look at them, and I spotted this lovely model which I picked up at the Warpath launch day.

As you probably know Mantic Games have a sci-fi miniature game called Warpath, and have a great range of models to go along with it, including this Marauder Warlord.

Well I’ve used him as a test model in preparation for painting the rest of my Orcs, as I’m going to be taking part in the 40KUK  Age of Armies (AOA), where I will track my progress painting a new army from scratch. 

With the Orcs turning up this seemed perfect timing, so keep looking out for posts that will appear on the 40KUK  site:

I will still put pictures of what I have painted on this site but for the full low down go and visit the lads at 40kUK.

Thanks for the Orks James

My good friend(!) James has just dumped  a load of Orks on me that I’d  left at his house few years ago!

So I have added them to the list 😦

Which is kind of good as i’m going to be entering th Age of Armies (AOA) on 40KUK so now I have an army to paint.

It’s all about looking on the upside. 🙂

New Orks:

22 Shooter Boys

79 Slugga Boys

4    Big Shooters

12 Storm Boys

2 Burna Boys

1 Big Mek

7 Warbosses (to be converted to meg-armored Nobs)

1 Ghazghkull

8 Deffkoptas

14 Grots

1 Runtherd

1 Squig

1 Weirdboy

4 Nobz

1 Orx from Warpath

Space Marine Librarian



This guy has been in my army for years, and I felt he needed a spruce up. I originally painted him in the 90’s and he had an….interesting paint job, done more with enthusiasm than ability.

Now one thing I regret is not striping the old paint off the model before doing the new under-coat.

There are some techniques out there that allow you to strip the old paint of your models quiet easily; I’ve used Fairy Power Spray with success, have a look on line I’m sure you can find a demonstration somewhere.

So instead of stripping the model I just did another base coat, and I lost some detail as the paint was too thick. Its a little regret, but one to remember for the future.

I gave the model a base coat Skeleton Spray from Army Painter then did successive blue washes to get the depth of blue I wanted, then finished with a final black wash into the recesses. The metal is Lead Belcher and Black Wash, the red is Scab Red with Mephiston Red, the bone and cloth was Bleached Bone with a brown wash, then highlighted Bleached Bone. All very familiar to those who read my blog.

Considering how he looked after I re-under-coated him I’m very pleased (surprised) how well he turned out; a very simple paint job but looks mint.

Space Marine Scouts with Sniper Rifles



These guys have been sitting around in my box since the late 90’s, and I have just never got around to painting them.

I always intended to do them in camouflage and it wasn’t till I saw some pottery in Arizona that I was inspired to do a test model.

A Bestial Brown base , with stripes of Bleached Bone and then on top of those a Scorched Brown stripe, finished by the Army Painter Dark Tone wash. Metal is the classic Lead Belcher with black wash, and I picked out the sights and goggles with a light blue with a  blue wash.

You can see it better from behind.


The Sergeant  was Bleached Bone followed by a Brown wash, then Bleached Bone highlights, all very easy. I converted him to have a sniper rifle too, and again used classic Lead Belcher with Black Wash.


I’m very happy with these guys, and glad I finally have them painted.

Dark Angel Assault Squad with Jump Packs



Now Dark Angels are not noted for their assault squads, but I like to mix my lists up every now and then and add something unexpected to my games.

Theses eleven chaps were an easy paint job, first undercoat black then highlight with Dark Angel Green, then a mix of Dark Angel and Goblin Green (keeping quite dark still) then add a black wash. For the guns etc…I used that old favourite Lead Belcher with a black wash. The red was Scab Red highlighted with Mephiston Red and for the skin I use Dwarf Flesh highlighted with Elf Flesh with a light brown wash. The bone colour, and scrolls on purity seals are Bleached Bone with a brown wash, highlighted again Bleached Bone.


I’m very pleased these guys look great.





So I finally got some pictures taken!

My computer is back, I have my camera sorted and I managed to get some photos together of the stuff I have completed so far from the list.

First up we have the terminators, they are pretty simple really, just Army Painter spray, then a brown wash and Bleached Bone highlight. The red is Scab Red with Mephiston Red highlights and the metal is a simple Lead Belcher with Nuln oil wash.

I will try to get a post up every day this week to make up for my lack lustre bogging.



Codex Dark Angels: My Thoughts


Ok so I got my filthy little paws on my Codex and sat down and began reading it from cover to cover, and first impressions are it’s good, really good.

I made some quick notes as I went through it on my different thoughts I had, and I thought I would share them with you.

Now I’m sure you can find more detailed reviews elsewhere on the internet but these are just some initial thoughts from me:

  1. Great artwork for the cover, and nice bound hardback book so it really feels like you’re getting your moneys worth with this book. just like the Chaos Codex this feels like a really well put together book as soon as you pick it up; no more loose pages dropping out.
  2. Great detail in the background, with lots of history on the Chapter, for a first time player this would give you all the information you need to learn about the Dangles; I love the stories and the flavour of the tales in the Codex.
  3. Artwork = Amazing! They have really gone to town with the new artwork in this book it is the best so far.
  4. Special Rules – Yes we can combat squad still, they have a new rule called Grim resolve, which is in perfect keeping with how Dangles should play on the board, and at last a rule for the Inner Circle to represent their hunt for the Fallen.
  5. Yes we have a dedicated warlord table and they are all useful, but a few are outstanding in the right situation.
  6. Now your Dreadnoughts and Land Raiders can join the Deathwing, with their own rules for this.
  7. Deathwing are now even more flexible, with ten men squad available at last, and Plasma cannons  the new must have option.
  8. Ravenwing are now a real option to play as a solo wing. I need to buy about twenty Black Knights for my army, so I had better get painting and finish this project so I can go and get some, because they are awesome. Black Knight = WIN.
  9. New Land Speeders I’m not sold on yet, but they probably have their place in a pure Ravenwing force.
  10. The new fighters are best for taking out ground troops, and not other flyers; the Nephilim looks better than the Dark Talon to me at the moment.
  11. Azrael is a really good choice, and I can see no reason not to take him all the time.
  12. Ezekiel is another solid choice strange he has a two-handed weapon, so he can’t benefit from an extra A from his bolt pistol.
  13. Asmodai is best avoided, he is a nice model but it would be better to go for an Interrogator Chaplain, who is cheaper and more flexible, or pay five more points for Ezekiel.
  14. Belial and Sammael are really good value for those doing a solo wing force.
  15. Blades of Caliban worse than a power axe!
  16. Standards are amazing!
  17. Tactical squads are really flexible.
  18. You can take a special or heavy weapon in a five man squad.
  19. You can take Flak missiles on Tac’ squads and Scouts
  20. Razorbacks can now take full range of turrets.

And many, many more…

Overall this is a massive jump in power and flexibility, and much improved version of the codex, and everyone should be very happy with it.

Dark Angel Codex



I get my copy of the Dark Angel Codex tonight, and I’m very excited to find out what’s inside. I have tried to steer clear of too many reviews, or reveals, of what we can expect from the 1st Legion in 6th Ed; I will give you my thoughts on what inside once I get my copy and study it from cover to cover. This is a very exciting time for the army

I’ve been a Dark Angel player since I was 11 (when their armour was black not green!) so I have a ’emotional investment’ in this codex, and given the age of the last codex an update has been long overdue. We have slipped against the other Chapters so a power boost, and some flexibility of options is needed in the army. I don’t think we need to change things much just give a few more options for builds, and sort some of the costing out.

In preparation for this I painted  a single Lightning Claw Terminator model (picture to come) when I had a few moments free, and I base coated 16 Forge Fathers with Heat Guns. Not because they will be used in my Dark Angel army, but because I will be completely distracted by the ‘Lads in Green’ for some time and probably won’t get round to painting them for a while, so thought it best I do a bit now.

I will let you know my thoughts on the new codex shortly 🙂

Thanks Jim!


We had a little Christmas get together this weekend, and we had a small gift giving thing amongst friends.

Well I thought we were friends!

My ‘friend’ Jim has given me the Dark Angel models from the Dark Vengeance Box set as a Christmas present  what a g*t!

He single-handedly undone all the good work I’ve done on my clean slate challenge!

I got :

5 Terminators

3 Ravenwing Bikes

10 tactical marines

1 Librarian

I Space Marine Commander

I Interrogator Chaplain

Yes, best of all it was the Limited Edition set with the Chaplain in, because  I needed another Chaplain; this is my seventh Chaplain.

The models of course are  amazing, if you have not seen the models from the Dark Vengeance box set let me tell you they are some of the best plastic models I have ever seen.

And I could not buy them myself because of my challenge, how frustrating.

Thanks Jim 🙂

P.s. I just did some maths and I have painted 18 models so far; Jim just gave me 21 new models. That means after two months I’m 3 models down from from where I started from!