Thanks Jim!


We had a little Christmas get together this weekend, and we had a small gift giving thing amongst friends.

Well I thought we were friends!

My ‘friend’ Jim has given me the Dark Angel models from the Dark Vengeance Box set as a Christmas present  what a g*t!

He single-handedly undone all the good work I’ve done on my clean slate challenge!

I got :

5 Terminators

3 Ravenwing Bikes

10 tactical marines

1 Librarian

I Space Marine Commander

I Interrogator Chaplain

Yes, best of all it was the Limited Edition set with the Chaplain in, because  I needed another Chaplain; this is my seventh Chaplain.

The models of course are  amazing, if you have not seen the models from the Dark Vengeance box set let me tell you they are some of the best plastic models I have ever seen.

And I could not buy them myself because of my challenge, how frustrating.

Thanks Jim 🙂

P.s. I just did some maths and I have painted 18 models so far; Jim just gave me 21 new models. That means after two months I’m 3 models down from from where I started from!


This guy is Asmodai  the best Interrogator Chaplain ever, so he gets to wear the biggest bathrobe from the Dark Angels ‘sauna wear’ range.

Rumours are that a new Asmodai model will be coming out next year, perhaps in terminator armour, which I hope is true. I feel the model has not aged well as some others, he is still good but there are some really fine sculpts out there these day.

I play Dark Angels, and the rumours are we are going to get a new codex early next year.  I’m already getting excited about a new Asmodai, and all the other rumours flying around, but I will have to wait and see what comes out.

If you read my post on Chaplain Cassius you will know how I painted this guy, so I wont repeat myself here. I feel this is probably the worst paint job I’ve done for this challenge so far, and that’s my fault. I could have done more with the robes, but I was lazy so the figure didn’t reach its full potential.

Still I look forward to using him in some games, and he is finished and off the list.

Chaplain Cassius


OK here we are with another model, this time it’s veteran of the Tyranid Wars Chaplain Cassius, everyone’s favourite Xenophobic cyborg genetic super-soldier zealot .

I have never been very happy with this model, it’s quite busy but without adding anything to the model. Now I’m not saying he is the worst model ever, I’m just saying there is a lot going on in the detail and that can be hard to pull off in a paint scheme that is mostly black.

Obviously a black base coat was the way to begin this model, then I highlighted the black at the edges with Abbadon Black and Bleached Bone, and then added even finer edging, and even lighter highlight.

Now with most highlighting you start by covering a lot of the model surface with your first highlight, and I don’t do that with black. I find the first highlight should be right on the edges and very fine even with the first highlight. Then I give the whole lot a black wash, and it looks pretty good. Its very easy to end up with a grey model, instead of a black one, if you’re not careful.

For those who have red my blog before you will know how I painted the rest of the model. Metal is Leadbelcher with a black wash. Gold is Bestial Brown, then gold, then chestnut wash. Bone and scrolls are brown, Bleached Bone, chestnut ink, Bleached Bone. Skin in brown, Tallarn Flesh, Elf Flesh, chestnut ink. Red is scab red highlighted with Mephiston Red. His hair was Iyanden Deadsun, Sunburst Yellow, chestnut ink.

I guess this model is OK, it was not my favourite to begin with, but I’m happy with the job I’ve done, and i can use him as a Chaplain in Dangles with a combi-flamer.

Most importantly he is off the list.