Happy Birthday to Me




So I’ve had another birthday, and for the first time ever I was hoping I wouldn’t get any new miniatures (not really).

Most of my friends and family know I play miniature games, so I can usually expect a couple of nice new toys for my birthday, and this year I was not disappointed.

Firstly my daughter picked me up some Ork Lootas, which is brilliant as they are exactly what I needed to finish off the unit of ten Lootas I’ve already got . So that was a win straight off.

Next my mate James picked me up some new miniatures of Space Dwarves with dachshunds (yes you read that right), by the great Bob Olley.

Check out his Scrunts on his website:


Some of you will know I have a Forge Father army, which I use as proxy Space Wolves, and I will use these guys as something cool in my army. What I will us e them for in the army is another question as yet unanswered.

James also gave me some brush restorer and preserver cream, called the Original B&J “The Masters” Brush and Cleaner & Preserver:




 Now I’m not the best at looking after my brushes, I freely admit that, so I’m looking forward to giving the old sticks a bit of TLC and seeing how the brush restoring cream does.

I’m going to add the new miniatures to the big list, so I think I’m now about 75% of the way through the list

As I said previously I have been working a lot on my Orks at the moment, but I promised BJ and the boys at 40K Global that I would let them have first show for all the models I paint for their AOA challenge. So don’t think I haven’t been working away there are many more Orks to come, and I look forward to posting them up.


Grymn in Powered Armour

_MG_5932 (1)

Some of you will know that I have a Mantic Forge Fathers army, that I play as proxy Space Wolves.

I have been trying to find the right models to use as proxy models for Lone Wolves in Terminator Armour, and I found these wonderful models from Hasselfree Miniatures:


Well I picked these chaps up at Salute and after painting and pining them to some new larger bases, they are ready for battle.

I was pleased with the simplicity of the colour scheme; orange armour, with blue for the visor and leadbelcher for the weapons it’s really simple but great.

I’m so pleased with these models.

It’s great when you find just the right model to fill a particular role in your amry, and they are a great sculpt and then your paint job works out well too, it’s awesome

I’m really happy with these guys, and I would recommend buying some of these for anyone with a Forge Fathers army, or who just like great models.

I would recommend checking out Hasselfree Miniatures range as they have some great stuff.

Forge Father Stormrage Veterans with Hailstorm Cannons


As you can see I’ve learnt from my previous post, and I’ve changed the colours slightly from those I used on the Heat Cannon Vet’s.

I’ve still used the same yellow and grey, but this time I dropped the gold out for a dark gunmetal, and I feel it makes a world of difference.

The dark gunmetal provides much better contrast on these models, making the colours ‘pop’ and stand out against each other.

I’m much happier with these guys.

Forge Father Stormrage Veterans with Heat Cannons




Some of you will know from previous posts that I have a Forge Fathers army for Warpath by Mantic Games.

The Stormrage Veterans are resin models rather than plastic, but they are still good models just harder to convert, and with less modelling options than the plastic models Mantic produce, but I like them.

I used orange, and grey, and gun-metal as the colours for my standard troops so I wanted to tweak this to make the colour scheme for this elite group.

I changed the orange to yellow, kept the grey and changed the gun-metal to gold. When I was finished I was surprised to see that yellow and gold don’t go together very well. The gold and yellow are too similar and they get lost in each other because there isn’t the sharp contrast I had hoped for.

Still the yellow turned out well, and I learnt my lesson for the next set of Stormrage veterans (I’m always learning!).

Overall pleased with the paint job, but unhappy about the colour choice BUT it doesn’t upset me enough to repaint the gold.

Scibor Space dwarves







These guys are some excellent resin models available from Scibor.


I use them in my Forge Fathers army; I wish I could remember how I painted them, but it was a late night and they turned out pretty cool. I was really pleased with the blue coat.

If you have any questions then do message me and I will be happy to tell you more.

Forge Fathers Squad Leaders



Mantic do a range of ‘Dwarvessss in SPACCCCCCEEEEEE’ army call Forge Fathers


I have an army of the stoical bearded chaps, which I use in Warpath (and as a proxy Space Wolves army in 40K).

Given the high level of shallow details on these resin models, I used consecutive washes to build up the detail because it’s easier than trying to paint the levels of fine detail on (and I’m lazy).

I used Codex Grey and Shining Gold as base, with several layers of brown wash. The guns and hammers are our old friends Lead Belcher with a black wash. And the cloaks are Macharite Orange with a brown wash, and a highlight or Macharite orange again.

Nice, quick and easy to do, one thing is the washes left them a little shiny, so I may give them a spray of mat varnish but it’s too cold to spray at the moment and the varnish may go white and cloudy. So for the moment I will leave the as is.

They are OK, I could have spent more time on them but I churned them out in a few hours. So I may go back to them and improve them in the future, but they are painted and ready for the table top.