Dark Vengeance Deathwing Models



These are the Dark Vengeance Deathwing models from the 40K box set, that I was given by my mate Jim at Christmas.

I used a Skeleton Bone spray from Army painter, and brown washes and some dry brushing with bleached bone for most of the models.


There is nothing too complicated for the rest, Leadbelcher with black wash for the metal a bright blue with a wash for the laser targeters, red robes are Scab Red with Mephiston Red Highlight and a Baal Red wash.

I used a thinned down Dark Angle green for the green feathers, to tie them back into the rest of the army.

I really like these models, it’s not my best paint job but I’m pleased with them.




These are the



So I finally got some pictures taken!

My computer is back, I have my camera sorted and I managed to get some photos together of the stuff I have completed so far from the list.

First up we have the terminators, they are pretty simple really, just Army Painter spray, then a brown wash and Bleached Bone highlight. The red is Scab Red with Mephiston Red highlights and the metal is a simple Lead Belcher with Nuln oil wash.

I will try to get a post up every day this week to make up for my lack lustre bogging.



Thanks Jim!


We had a little Christmas get together this weekend, and we had a small gift giving thing amongst friends.

Well I thought we were friends!

My ‘friend’ Jim has given me the Dark Angel models from the Dark Vengeance Box set as a Christmas present  what a g*t!

He single-handedly undone all the good work I’ve done on my clean slate challenge!

I got :

5 Terminators

3 Ravenwing Bikes

10 tactical marines

1 Librarian

I Space Marine Commander

I Interrogator Chaplain

Yes, best of all it was the Limited Edition set with the Chaplain in, because  I needed another Chaplain; this is my seventh Chaplain.

The models of course are  amazing, if you have not seen the models from the Dark Vengeance box set let me tell you they are some of the best plastic models I have ever seen.

And I could not buy them myself because of my challenge, how frustrating.

Thanks Jim 🙂

P.s. I just did some maths and I have painted 18 models so far; Jim just gave me 21 new models. That means after two months I’m 3 models down from from where I started from!

Cyclone Missile Launchers


I’ve been working hard, and more importantly resisting the urge to buy more stuff.

This time I painted a couple of alternate Cyclone Missile launchers from Anvil Industry:


These guys do loads of conversion parts, and I have lots of really good bits in my bits box from these guys.

I play Dark Angels and these are perfect for my Deathwing units, especially as picking up a spare Cyclone model off  eBay can be quite expensive.

I really like these models and they were easy to paint too.

First I washed them with soap; you should always wash your models before undercoating, as they can have mould release  on them and this is repellent to paint, so a quick scrub with soapy water is a must for any serious hobbyist.

Then I used The Army Painter Skeleton Bone spray to give a good undercoat.


They have a really good selection of colours and this is great for doing bone colour (surprise!).

Once undercoated I gave the whole model a brown wash, the highlighted this time with Bleached Bone from the old Citadel range.

I picked out the vents, the missiles and some scratches with Leadbelcher (the new Boltgun metal from Citadel) and gave the metal a black wash.

Nice and easy.

Just one last thing the targeting laser on the front was painted in a light blue then shaded with a blue wash.

I’m looking forward to the new Dark Angel Codex when it comes out, and hope I can resist the urge to buy more new toys.