Dark Angel Tactical Squad with Anvil Industry Compact Box Mags



This is the squad I received at Christmas from the Dark Vengeance box set, and I have to say these are some of nicest models I’ve seen in a 40K starter set. Regular readers will know how I paint Dak Angels by now so I wont repeat myself, have a look at some older articles if you’re curious.

There is so much detail on these models, but not so much they become over crowded with bits (we all know the ‘purity seal overload’ some models  suffer from). These were really fun to paint, and I cant wait to use them in anger.

One interesting note is I had bought some excellent compact box mags from Anvil Industries, for a simple magazine swap to convert them into Sternguard, as I was convinced Dark Angels would have them in their new codex. Well as it turns out  Dark Angels did not get Sternguard but I think they look great with this simple conversion.



_MG_5939 (2)


Again very happy with these guys, and I can’t wait to use them.