And the Orks are DONE!!!

Ok I have some good news; the Orks are finished.

I had a massive push and painted the whole of my Ork army. That meant I completed all 15 Lootas , the last four Defcopters and the one random Ork Warbike.

I have to say it feels pretty good to be finishing of one of the my forces from my list.

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 I wanted to finish my Clean Slate Challenge in a year, and I was under no illusions that it would be an easy task, or one that I could realistically complete, it was more a target to aim for.

So as we approached a year in to the challenge I decided I was going to focus on getting the last of the Orks done and dusted.GetAttachment[1] (3)


The Ork force was by far the largest component of my unpainted models, so it would be a real moral victory to get these guys finished.


I haven’t sat down and worked out exactly how many points this army comes too but it is a sizeable force and one I can be proud of. I had a Bad Moons army when I was about 15, and I had always hoped to come back and paint myself another Ban Moons army, when I was a bit better at painting.

Now I know they are not the best painted models out there, I could have spent a lot longer painting these models, but it would have taken me another four years to complete them all. That said for Orks they will certainly do the job.





I will now try to concentrate on getting the Grey Knights completed, as there is only eighteen of them, and they are dead simple to paint.

Even More Ork Boyz, but this time with Shootas

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So the endless green horde continues, and this time we have another mob of 30 Boyz painted, this time however with shootas.

A word of wisdom from me for 6th edition 40k and using Orks, Shootas Boys are much better than Slugga Boyz.

When a squad of Shoota Boyz can throw out 60 shots a turn without worrying about being struck first by higher initiative models it’s quite fun (I’ve watched them just delete squads of marines). I find the extra range and extra shots from Shoota Boyz to have much more flexibility, and power than the more situational assault from Slugga Boyz.

I used my usual technique of a yellow spray, a sepia wash for the yellow and two green washes for the skin finally picking out the odd piece here and there. I used a darker blue this time as a unit identifier, I find it very useful to have on colour on every model in the units to mark them as an individual unit, as for example having 4 units of 30 Boyz on the table in multiple combats can become quite confusing very quickly.

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Once again I’m happy with the results, and I’m looking forward to getting all these Orks finished.



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Every Ork army should have a few Grots.

These guys are only 3 points a model, and a scoring troops choice.

A minimum squad of 10 models, with their Runtherd is just 40 points, which is a great cheap option for sitting on your own board edge claiming objectives in your own deployment zone, and of course they are really fun models as well.

I enjoyed painting these guys, and i used the same system of a yellow undercoat (Daemonic Yellow from Army Painter) I used a Sepia Wash on yellow, and picked out the metal with Lead Belcher with a black wash. Their skin is much lighter so I gave it a single wash of Biel Tan Green ink.

They turned out really well, were so much fun to paint and I know will find a place in my army lists so I’m very pleased

Ork Deffkoptas

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I do love the plastic Black Reach Deffkoptas.

If you have a look at my list you will see I have eight of them to paint, and I’ve painted my first four, which gives me a minimum sized squad to field in my games.

I used the Daemonic Yellow Army Painter spray for the undercoat again with the Strong Tone  wash from Army Painter. Then I used two Biel Tan green washes for the skin and picked out he metal and teeth and some patches of blue as per usual.

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They turned out pretty well I think, one thing I had to do was mend the broken flying bases. Anyone who knows GW flying bases will know they can be brittle and snap off in the model. SO for a couple of these I have drilled the base and used some wire from a paper-clip to replace the flying base stem. They work quite well I think.

I’m very happy and I look forward to painting the next four.


photo (11)I’ve been busy working away on my Orks for Age of Armies (AOA) with 40KUK.

For more detail go and visit:

photo (12)Now I know I haven’t been posting much on the blog for the last month, but please don’t think I haven’t been hard at work painting.

I have been busy painting  Orks for AOA for 40K Global, and you will see these models in time, you will just have to please be patient with me as I release them each month.

Thanks for your patience.