Pedro Kantor


Some of you may have been following my progress on AOA for 40K Global, and some of you may know James Dillon Lee one of my fellow contributors. James has been working on a Crimson Fist army for his AOA, and you should definitely check out his articles  (except the one where he kicks the snot out of my Orks):


As well as being a contributor on AOA and my usual opponent at 40K,  James is also my best mate.

It was his Birthday recently so I picked him up the USEME systems for Zombie Dawn and An Eldritch Horror, as well as a horde of 15mm zombies, all from the fantastic 15mm website.

We’ve been chatting lately about how we both felt we wanted to play a few simple games, just for fun.  I’m hoping that the USEME system will provide a cost-effective way to try something new, because the rulebooks are cheap, and the 15mm scale gives you the chance to pick up loads more models for a lower price point. The 15mm website is huge, so we can easily expand the forces if we like the games.

It wasn’t just alternative game systems and even tinier models, I also gave him the Dark Eldar codex as he has a Dark Eldar army just waiting to hit the table (last years gift), and most importantly for my challenge I gave him Pedro Kantor.

Pedro Kantor is a great model, he has cool background, and I was looking forward to painting him, but it seemed silly to have two Crimson Fist armies in such a small group. So I’ve gifted the model to James for his Birthday, I think it makes sense. I wish I could have painted him, but half the fun of a new model is painting it yourself, and if James paints him he will match the rest of his army.

I will give you an update on how I get on with the USEME system, and hopefully James can update you in one of his articles.




photo (11)I’ve been busy working away on my Orks for Age of Armies (AOA) with 40KUK.

For more detail go and visit:

photo (12)Now I know I haven’t been posting much on the blog for the last month, but please don’t think I haven’t been hard at work painting.

I have been busy painting  Orks for AOA for 40K Global, and you will see these models in time, you will just have to please be patient with me as I release them each month.

Thanks for your patience.

Ork Weirdboy



I have been really busy, but you wouldn’t know it from my blog so I apologise.

I have been painting lots of Orks for the Age of Armies campaign on the 40K Global site:

Now I can’t show you these Orks till I do my big reveal on the 40K Global site first, however I can show you this Ork Weirdboy I painted.

I picked this chap up on eBay a few years ago,  and he was heavily converted as you can see, normally they have Grots hanging all over them.

It was easy for me to paint him while I was doing the big units of Boyz, one extra thing I did was to paint him with an exposed pink brain! This made the model even more brightly coloured, maybe too bright?

The skin cam out a little mottled too which was disappointing, I gave him three coats instead of my normal two to try and make him a little darker.

In the end he is finished, and most importantly I  can cross him off the list.


Marauder Warlord


After my mate James dumped those models on me last week I had a look at them, and I spotted this lovely model which I picked up at the Warpath launch day.

As you probably know Mantic Games have a sci-fi miniature game called Warpath, and have a great range of models to go along with it, including this Marauder Warlord.

Well I’ve used him as a test model in preparation for painting the rest of my Orcs, as I’m going to be taking part in the 40KUK  Age of Armies (AOA), where I will track my progress painting a new army from scratch. 

With the Orcs turning up this seemed perfect timing, so keep looking out for posts that will appear on the 40KUK  site:

I will still put pictures of what I have painted on this site but for the full low down go and visit the lads at 40kUK.