Marauder Warlord


After my mate James dumped those models on me last week I had a look at them, and I spotted this lovely model which I picked up at the Warpath launch day.

As you probably know Mantic Games have a sci-fi miniature game called Warpath, and have a great range of models to go along with it, including this Marauder Warlord.

Well I’ve used him as a test model in preparation for painting the rest of my Orcs, as I’m going to be taking part in the 40KUK  Age of Armies (AOA), where I will track my progress painting a new army from scratch. 

With the Orcs turning up this seemed perfect timing, so keep looking out for posts that will appear on the 40KUK  site:

I will still put pictures of what I have painted on this site but for the full low down go and visit the lads at 40kUK.