
I think I’m a typical gamer, I have been playing wargames for 25 years on and off, which has meant I have accumulated a few unpainted models.

I was looking in my ‘Games Cupboard’, and just having a general tidy up, when I decided to make a list of what was sitting about in their waiting to be painted just to have a record of what I have, and what I found horrified me.

I had a lot more hiding in there than I had originally thought, and realised in an epiphany that I couldn’t justify spending any more cash on models till I had painted what I already owned.

Now I’m sure there are some of you out there that have many more models than me in your own lists (and if you do then please feel free to let me know), but it was a bit of a wake up call for this compulsive hoarder.

I play Warhammer 40k most of the time, but have other games systems which I own models for. I enjoy going to tournaments and I don’t have a regular club but on occasion I do make it down to The Overlords for a tournament or two. So most of my models will be 40K related, but I do have other stuff on there too in particular the Mantic range.

If you have any ideas, requests or questions regarding my list or blog then please feel free to add a comment and I will follow-up. You can even suggest what model you would like me to paint next.

I hope you enjoy it




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