More Flesh Eaters

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More Flesh Eaters for my Independent Characters Hobby Challenge.

I have been hard at work and finished my first 1,000 points, ‘hooray’!

However I need to draw up the next 1,000 points and get to work, as I want to get all this finished before the baby arrives in June (‘gulp’)

Feel free to check out my progress on The Independent Characters forum:

Hope you like red!


More Flesh Eaters


I’ve been busy with the Flesh Eaters again, this time Brother Corbulo and a Terminator Chaplain.

I decided to paint the Chaplain in Red, and I think the colour works really well on this model. We don’t actually know what colour the Flesh Eaters Chaplains paint their armour, so why not red!

Hope you like them

Flesh Eaters Terminators


Work progresses on my Flesh Eaters force, and first we have these terminators.

I used the red Army Painter spray, with a Baal Red wash, Leadbelcher with a black wash for the metal, white for chapter markings and the helmets.

I decided to give them a completely white helmet instead of just a stripe to show they were elites, shame I hate painting white.

I had to make choice with the sergeant as you can see his face; what colour to do his skin? I decided to give it a bluish tinge like they are not quite healthy, a unnatural pallor like a zombie(flesh eater).

I used the Basisus basing tool I received from their Kickstarter to make my own space hulk style bases, and they came out really well; I think I can do better next time, after all practice makes perfect.

I’m really pleased with how they look, especially the hand painted chapter markings.



A New Challenge Awaits

Luftbild Autowracks

Since I can’t seem to keep my paintbrush down for more than five minutes I’m moving on to my next challenge

Some of you will have already read that I’m taking part in the Independent Characters Hobby Challenge, but just painting a unit a month doesn’t seem to be much of a challenge so I’ve thrown my own extra restriction into the mix.

I wanted to start a new army but I wanted to do it on a budget so I decided to limit myself to £50 for the whole force. I may add something extra in the future but for now I want to pick up the basics, and if I really need to add something I can do that once I’ve painted the rest.

So where do you go for cheap models?

eBay of course!

I decided to not count the postage in my £50, but it really wasn’t much of a factor. I bought a few bundles here and there and came up with a nice little force for my Flesh Eaters.

Here is what I managed to get for my £50

eBay Stuff:

5 Flamers
4 Missile Launchers
40 Tactical Marines
10 Terminators
5 Vanguard Vets
1 Multimelta
2 Lascannon
1 Plasma Cannon
4 Heavy Bolter
1 Chaplin Jump Pack
26 Assault Marines with Jump Packs
1 Corbulo
1 Terminator Chaplin

Not a bad haul in the end, and I look forward to painting them up as the brutal Flesh Eaters.

I will keep you informed on how I get on.

Mighty Cthulhu Ends the Challenge


Here we have Mighty Cthulhu, the final model of my Clean Slate Challenge.

I made him from an old metal Blood Thirster model, some green stuff, and Chaos Spawn parts. I sprayed him with daemonic Yellow Army Painter spray and then gave him two green washes and a black wash, picked out bone bits with Bleached Bone with a brown wash, and the metal was Lead Belcher with a black wash. I tried to make it look like his eyes were glowing with some tentacle pink, but not sure how well that worked.

It feels great to have finally come to the end of this Clean Slate challenge, and I can’t wait to show you some new projects.

Thanks for all the support, and see you soon for my next challenge.





Flesh Eater Captain


I’m preparing for the end of my Clean Slate Challenge, with just two (now one) more models to go I need to think about the new projects I have coming up.

This classic marine captain provided me with an excellent opportunity for a test model for my Flesh Eaters army that I’m going to be painting for the Independent Characters Hobby Challenge.

I think he turned out really well. I used army painter red spray with a red wash, the metal was Lead Belcher with a black wash, I painted the white with a base of light grey highlighted with skull white and finally used some Scorpion Green with a green wash for the eyes.

I’m fairly happy with the results, it could do with being a bit darker in the recesses but I’m happy with the test model.

Best of all I only have The Mighty Cthulhu left to paint!


Dark Angel Conversion



Yes it’s another finished model!

This guy is converted from an old metal Space Marine Standard Bearer, with the addition of Commissar Yarrick’s Storm Bolter, and a power sword from somewhere.

I used a converted backpack form an Azrael model to give him that all important Dangles look to finish him off.

It’s a simple paint job, not my best, but I’ve painted him now, so that leaves me just two more models to go.

Keep posted for the last two.

How about a Statue?


Want to make a statue for your games of 40K ?

Simply take an old model, paint him bronze and make a pillar for him to stand on. In this case I glued a stack of lids together and then painted them up as stone.

It was a quick easy way to get one of my last figures finished, and because he is metal I can always strip him and paint him again if I need to.

Best of all that’s another one I can tick off the list.

The Final Five



Good news!

I’ve finally received three of the last five models in my Clean Slate Challenge, and as you can see I’ve already painted my Dark Angel Librarian, from the Dark Vengeance box set.

For those of you following my blog you’ll know I’ve frustratingly been stuck waiting for the weather to improve, so I could get the last five models base coated. These are the Dark Angel Librarian, a Classic Dark Angel Commander, a converted Space Marine Standard Bearer , a classic Space Marine Commander and my converted Cthulhu model.

I just received the Dark Angel Librarian, and I painted him already, and I’m half way through painting the Classic Dark Angel Commander, and converted Space Marine Standard Bearer. I should have these two finished by then end of the week.

hopefully I will have the last two models shortly, and I think we may have this challenge finished in a fortnight.

It feels really good to be in the home straight.