Flesh Eater Captain


I’m preparing for the end of my Clean Slate Challenge, with just two (now one) more models to go I need to think about the new projects I have coming up.

This classic marine captain provided me with an excellent opportunity for a test model for my Flesh Eaters army that I’m going to be painting for the Independent Characters Hobby Challenge.

I think he turned out really well. I used army painter red spray with a red wash, the metal was Lead Belcher with a black wash, I painted the white with a base of light grey highlighted with skull white and finally used some Scorpion Green with a green wash for the eyes.

I’m fairly happy with the results, it could do with being a bit darker in the recesses but I’m happy with the test model.

Best of all I only have The Mighty Cthulhu left to paint!


Dark Angel Conversion



Yes it’s another finished model!

This guy is converted from an old metal Space Marine Standard Bearer, with the addition of Commissar Yarrick’s Storm Bolter, and a power sword from somewhere.

I used a converted backpack form an Azrael model to give him that all important Dangles look to finish him off.

It’s a simple paint job, not my best, but I’ve painted him now, so that leaves me just two more models to go.

Keep posted for the last two.

How about a Statue?


Want to make a statue for your games of 40K ?

Simply take an old model, paint him bronze and make a pillar for him to stand on. In this case I glued a stack of lids together and then painted them up as stone.

It was a quick easy way to get one of my last figures finished, and because he is metal I can always strip him and paint him again if I need to.

Best of all that’s another one I can tick off the list.

The Final Five



Good news!

I’ve finally received three of the last five models in my Clean Slate Challenge, and as you can see I’ve already painted my Dark Angel Librarian, from the Dark Vengeance box set.

For those of you following my blog you’ll know I’ve frustratingly been stuck waiting for the weather to improve, so I could get the last five models base coated. These are the Dark Angel Librarian, a Classic Dark Angel Commander, a converted Space Marine Standard Bearer , a classic Space Marine Commander and my converted Cthulhu model.

I just received the Dark Angel Librarian, and I painted him already, and I’m half way through painting the Classic Dark Angel Commander, and converted Space Marine Standard Bearer. I should have these two finished by then end of the week.

hopefully I will have the last two models shortly, and I think we may have this challenge finished in a fortnight.

It feels really good to be in the home straight.