The ICs 2014 Hobby Progress Challenge: I begin my new Flesh Eaters army

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Firstly Happy New Year to everyone.

In a burst of new year confidence I have signed myself up for the The Independent Characters 2014 Hobby Progress Challenge.

This is a motivational competition all about collecting, painting and getting new models/armies on the table top, with a new unit completed each and every month.

You know I’m all about painting challenges, so I have (perhaps over confidently) signed myself up to paint a Flesh Eaters army.

I like all the old chapters who don’t get as much love as the ‘Big Boy’ chapters, and after all who doesn’t like space cannibals?

You can follow my progress here:

So firstly here is my list; I don’t know if it will be any good but it just felt right:

1000 Point Flesh Eaters (Blood Angel) Army


Terminator Armour


5 Man Terminator Squad
Heavy Flamer


5 Man Assault Squad
Jump Packs
Melta gun
Sergeant = Storm Shield and Power Axe

5 Man Assault Squad
Jump Packs
Melta gun
Sergeant = Storm Shield and Power Axe

10 Man Tactical Squad
Plasma Gun
Missile Launcher
Sergeant = Bolt Pistol Power Axe Teleport Homer


We will have to see how I get on, because I have to complete my own challenge, and then get my first model painted for the end of February!

Wish me luck.