Stupid Rain


So here I am with just five models left to go, and none of them undercoated!

The cold wet weather we have here in the UK at the moment has put everything on hold, and I’m frustratingly close to completion.

I can safely say I would have finished my Clean Slate Challenge by now, if only I had those last few models undercoated and ready to paint.

Of course an enforced period of inactivity from painting has given me a chance to do other things that I like, such as talking to my wife.

In all seriousness it has been quite fun to have a break from painting, for over a year now I’ve spent every spare minute painting. So if the wife puts on a movie I wouldn’t go and sit next to her on the sofa, not me, instead I’m over at my painting table.

So it’s been nice to have this break, and do other things like spend time with her.

However if this carries on I will have to get some of the paint on primer I’ve seen available. I’ve not tried it before so I’m a bit scarred if it will be lumpy.

I’m hoping to be finished by the end of the year, and then I can have that party I promised myself, and of course the ‘Big Game’  where I will bring out all the models I painted for one mega game.

That will be fun to see.


Ravenwing Bikers and friend


This time I have been working on the Ravenwing Bikes from the Dark Vengeance box set. Ravenwing as you probably know are black, and black can be a tricky colour to do right, I prefer to use a light grey highlight and use successive black washes to dull down the paint so it looks black and shiny. these models look really cool and I’m happy with the paint job , I could have spent a bit more time on them but as I have only five models to go I’m keen to get them completed.



I had a bit of an issue when I finished the bikes, which is that I have nothing else undercoated and ready to go (they are currently with my friend James waiting for a dry windless night, so they may be there a while). So I painted Vulkan H’stan! I had been gifted him recently pre-undercoated I was really pleased with the cloak; I painted it yellow used a green wash and then used a blue wash to create the gradation at the bottom. I was very pleased with the cloak.

