
andy phone aug 2013 090


Every Ork army should have a few Grots.

These guys are only 3 points a model, and a scoring troops choice.

A minimum squad of 10 models, with their Runtherd is just 40 points, which is a great cheap option for sitting on your own board edge claiming objectives in your own deployment zone, and of course they are really fun models as well.

I enjoyed painting these guys, and i used the same system of a yellow undercoat (Daemonic Yellow from Army Painter) I used a Sepia Wash on yellow, and picked out the metal with Lead Belcher with a black wash. Their skin is much lighter so I gave it a single wash of Biel Tan Green ink.

They turned out really well, were so much fun to paint and I know will find a place in my army lists so I’m very pleased

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