Ork Deffkoptas

andy phone aug 2013 086


I do love the plastic Black Reach Deffkoptas.

If you have a look at my list you will see I have eight of them to paint, and I’ve painted my first four, which gives me a minimum sized squad to field in my games.

I used the Daemonic Yellow Army Painter spray for the undercoat again with the Strong Tone  wash from Army Painter. Then I used two Biel Tan green washes for the skin and picked out he metal and teeth and some patches of blue as per usual.

andy phone aug 2013 085

They turned out pretty well I think, one thing I had to do was mend the broken flying bases. Anyone who knows GW flying bases will know they can be brittle and snap off in the model. SO for a couple of these I have drilled the base and used some wire from a paper-clip to replace the flying base stem. They work quite well I think.

I’m very happy and I look forward to painting the next four.

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