Grymn in Powered Armour

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Some of you will know that I have a Mantic Forge Fathers army, that I play as proxy Space Wolves.

I have been trying to find the right models to use as proxy models for Lone Wolves in Terminator Armour, and I found these wonderful models from HasselfreeĀ Miniatures:

Well I picked these chaps up at Salute and after painting and pining them to some new larger bases, they are ready for battle.

I was pleased with the simplicity of the colour scheme; orange armour, with blue for the visor and leadbelcher for the weapons it’s really simple but great.

I’m so pleased with these models.

It’s great when you find just the right model to fill a particular role in your amry, and they are a great sculpt and then your paint job works out well too, it’s awesome

I’m really happy with these guys, and I would recommend buying some of these for anyone with a Forge Fathers army, or who just like great models.

I would recommend checking out Hasselfree Miniatures range as they have some great stuff.

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