Because I haven’t got enough to paint already



Becasue I don’t have enough to do I’m starting a new blog about painting my Kings of War Undead army from the Mantic Kickstarter here:

Check it out if your square base curious.


And yes I bought them last year before I started my clean slate challenge 🙂

Dark Angel Tactical Squad with Anvil Industry Compact Box Mags



This is the squad I received at Christmas from the Dark Vengeance box set, and I have to say these are some of nicest models I’ve seen in a 40K starter set. Regular readers will know how I paint Dak Angels by now so I wont repeat myself, have a look at some older articles if you’re curious.

There is so much detail on these models, but not so much they become over crowded with bits (we all know the ‘purity seal overload’ some models  suffer from). These were really fun to paint, and I cant wait to use them in anger.

One interesting note is I had bought some excellent compact box mags from Anvil Industries, for a simple magazine swap to convert them into Sternguard, as I was convinced Dark Angels would have them in their new codex. Well as it turns out  Dark Angels did not get Sternguard but I think they look great with this simple conversion.


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Again very happy with these guys, and I can’t wait to use them.

Kor’sarro Khan



Here we have the leader of the White Scars Chapter on foot, he must have parked his bike somewhere or perhaps it’s a pedestrian zone?

In honesty this guy could probably have done with another coat of white, but I will probably never get around to using him in a game so what the heck. The new rules saying that 50% of your units have to be on the board is a real drag for an outflanking White Scars army; lets hope that changes when the new codex comes out.

Well at least he is another one of the list, and he looks pretty good.

Grymn in Powered Armour

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Some of you will know that I have a Mantic Forge Fathers army, that I play as proxy Space Wolves.

I have been trying to find the right models to use as proxy models for Lone Wolves in Terminator Armour, and I found these wonderful models from Hasselfree Miniatures:

Well I picked these chaps up at Salute and after painting and pining them to some new larger bases, they are ready for battle.

I was pleased with the simplicity of the colour scheme; orange armour, with blue for the visor and leadbelcher for the weapons it’s really simple but great.

I’m so pleased with these models.

It’s great when you find just the right model to fill a particular role in your amry, and they are a great sculpt and then your paint job works out well too, it’s awesome

I’m really happy with these guys, and I would recommend buying some of these for anyone with a Forge Fathers army, or who just like great models.

I would recommend checking out Hasselfree Miniatures range as they have some great stuff.

Dark Vengeance Deathwing Models



These are the Dark Vengeance Deathwing models from the 40K box set, that I was given by my mate Jim at Christmas.

I used a Skeleton Bone spray from Army painter, and brown washes and some dry brushing with bleached bone for most of the models.


There is nothing too complicated for the rest, Leadbelcher with black wash for the metal a bright blue with a wash for the laser targeters, red robes are Scab Red with Mephiston Red Highlight and a Baal Red wash.

I used a thinned down Dark Angle green for the green feathers, to tie them back into the rest of the army.

I really like these models, it’s not my best paint job but I’m pleased with them.




These are the

Ork Weirdboy



I have been really busy, but you wouldn’t know it from my blog so I apologise.

I have been painting lots of Orks for the Age of Armies campaign on the 40K Global site:

Now I can’t show you these Orks till I do my big reveal on the 40K Global site first, however I can show you this Ork Weirdboy I painted.

I picked this chap up on eBay a few years ago,  and he was heavily converted as you can see, normally they have Grots hanging all over them.

It was easy for me to paint him while I was doing the big units of Boyz, one extra thing I did was to paint him with an exposed pink brain! This made the model even more brightly coloured, maybe too bright?

The skin cam out a little mottled too which was disappointing, I gave him three coats instead of my normal two to try and make him a little darker.

In the end he is finished, and most importantly I  can cross him off the list.