A gift to a friend can be a gift to yourself!


I heard that a friend of mine was planing to strip his already beautifully painted models just to repaint them all over again, simply because he had nothing else to paint! To me that just sounds crazy.

He is a fast painter, and with nothing on his painting table he was getting the ‘cold turkey shakes’, and was eyeing up his completed models!

Well I couldn’t let it happen, it would be such a waste! I have a big pile of IG sitting to be painted for ‘CSC’, and with already well over 70 painted infantry models for my IG I’ve no real need for more guys, so I decided to give him some of my own models. This breaks my rules but I felt it was worth it.

This is good, because now I can play him and shoot those models off  the table, rather than just leaving them off the table in my figure case!

It’s a ‘win win’ situation.

AND we just had Salute, and I was very re-strained and only picked up some Grymn models from Hasselfree Models, and 10 Lootas; I will adjust my progress appropriately.

Salute 2013



Those of you who have read my blog before will know that the one exception to my spending rule is Salute.

Salute is the biggest tabletop wargaming event in Europe, and a must attend event for everyone interested in any aspect of this hobby.

Go and check out there site, and start planning your purchases and which games you will try out on the day:


See you there April 20th.  🙂

Marauder Warlord


After my mate James dumped those models on me last week I had a look at them, and I spotted this lovely model which I picked up at the Warpath launch day.

As you probably know Mantic Games have a sci-fi miniature game called Warpath, and have a great range of models to go along with it, including this Marauder Warlord.


Well I’ve used him as a test model in preparation for painting the rest of my Orcs, as I’m going to be taking part in the 40KUK  Age of Armies (AOA), where I will track my progress painting a new army from scratch. 

With the Orcs turning up this seemed perfect timing, so keep looking out for posts that will appear on the 40KUK  site:


I will still put pictures of what I have painted on this site but for the full low down go and visit the lads at 40kUK.

Thanks for the Orks James

My good friend(!) James has just dumped  a load of Orks on me that I’d  left at his house few years ago!

So I have added them to the list 😦

Which is kind of good as i’m going to be entering th Age of Armies (AOA) on 40KUK so now I have an army to paint.

It’s all about looking on the upside. 🙂

New Orks:

22 Shooter Boys

79 Slugga Boys

4    Big Shooters

12 Storm Boys

2 Burna Boys

1 Big Mek

7 Warbosses (to be converted to meg-armored Nobs)

1 Ghazghkull

8 Deffkoptas

14 Grots

1 Runtherd

1 Squig

1 Weirdboy

4 Nobz

1 Orx from Warpath