Merry Christmas to you all!


To all my readers out there, however you choose to celebrate the Holiday Season, have a great Christmas.

I will be back in the New year, but will be far too busy to paint any models let alone post about it on the blog.

So to you all Happy Christmas and see you all again for a great 2013.


Thanks Jim!


We had a little Christmas get together this weekend, and we had a small gift giving thing amongst friends.

Well I thought we were friends!

My ‘friend’ Jim has given me the Dark Angel models from the Dark Vengeance Box set as a Christmas present  what a g*t!

He single-handedly undone all the good work I’ve done on my clean slate challenge!

I got :

5 Terminators

3 Ravenwing Bikes

10 tactical marines

1 Librarian

I Space Marine Commander

I Interrogator Chaplain

Yes, best of all it was the Limited Edition set with the Chaplain in, because  I needed another Chaplain; this is my seventh Chaplain.

The models of course are  amazing, if you have not seen the models from the Dark Vengeance box set let me tell you they are some of the best plastic models I have ever seen.

And I could not buy them myself because of my challenge, how frustrating.

Thanks Jim 🙂

P.s. I just did some maths and I have painted 18 models so far; Jim just gave me 21 new models. That means after two months I’m 3 models down from from where I started from!

Space Marine Scouts




Everyone loves Space Marine Scouts (SMS)?

Well I always liked the metal heavy bolter SMS model, which may go some way to explain why I had two sitting unpainted in my box for years. As well as another heavy bolter this time in plastic, and a converted missile launcher scout. Which is a really simple conversion using the normal plastic space marine missile launcher arms.

So I undercoated these guys with my usual Skeleton Bone spray and washed them with a brown ink and highlighted the cloth with Bleached Bone. Then I painted the metal Lead Belcher, and the armour plates Dark Angels Green, which I highlighted with a Goblin Green Dark Angel Green mix. Then I gave both a black wash.

The brown is Bestial Brown with a brown wash, and the flesh is Dwarf Flesh Highlighted up with Elf Flesh and a chestnut wash. Finally the laser sight is a light blue with a blue wash. All very easy and pretty familiar to anyone who has seen my previous posts.

This is the first set of squad models I have done for the challenge, so far all the others have been stand alone models. I’m happy enough with these, and as I said they are squad models, not IC, so they don’t need to be fantastic.

Space Marine Chaplain



It’s a short post today.

Here is Space Marine Chaplain, which nearly finishes all the Chaplains on my list. I started with four to paint and now I just have the one on the bike left to paint, although I have owned that model since the 90’s

Once I have that one painted I will have six Chaplains in total;  I have Asmodai, Cassius, one in terminator armour, one with a jump pack, one on a bike and this guy on foot. So I think I have chaplains covered now, but with the release of the new Codex you never know!

I won’t repeat myself on how to paint this guy, you can find that in previous posts, what I can say is I haven’t really pushed myself with this model, as I don’t see myself using him any time soon.

With the ‘nerf’ to his Crozius Arcanum now being AP4, and therefore bouncing off power armour, I don’t see myself using him any time soon, and that is reflected in this average paint job.